I’m rich! I’m independently wealthy! My ship has finally come in!

Well, okay, maybe not. But anyway, today I got a notification that the latest trickle of settlement money from Apple’s loss in the ebook agency pricing antitrust case had arrived in my Amazon account. To the tune of 38 cents. That’s certainly going to buy me a lot!

Ars Technica reports its writers credit amounts range from 76 cents to the princely sum of $12.02. If you’re eligible, you probably received an email about it today—or else got a pop-up notification from your Kindle app the way I did.

I seem to recall that, during the period of time covered by the settlement, I was buying more ebooks from Barnes & Noble than from Amazon, so I expect my B&N settlement amount to be a little higher. (Maybe I’ll get a whole dollar or two!) According to Barnes & Noble’s ebook settlement FAQ page, it will disburse its chunk of Apple settlement credit over three days starting on October 19th, tomorrow.

The FAQ also explains why we got this late, unexpected disbursement: it’s a distribution of funds left over from some people not bothering to redeem their credits from the earlier settlement disbursement, divided up among those people who did bother. The only problem I have now is that I’m going to have to find something Barnes & Noble is selling that I want to bother spending those credits on! (Maybe I’ll go ahead and take the plunge on the Nook Tablet 7, if it goes on Black Friday sale…)